Monday 9 February 2015

Keeping it Underground

Maybe it’s the prospect of Spring not too far in the future, or the inconvenience of bus strikes but cycling in London seems to be everywhere in the news, whether it’s Boris bikes likely to go red with new sponsors, or the agreed new superhighway, or yet more road deaths. The most ridiculous story is perhaps the idea of using disused underground tunnels for bike paths.. Let’s be honest, that isn’t going to solve any problems.

A better underground bike idea is this bike park built in a salt mine in Louisville in Kentucky. Also clearly they have a great PR team as this has been picked up by all sorts of news sites.

Let’s stay in the world of bike parks and look at this 10-year old who will definitely make all adult riders feel highly inadequate.

OK so what else, well more opportunity to feel inferior when you look at this Strava profile.. It’s where you can keep track of Steven Abraham who is shooting to beat the record for the number of miles ridden in a year. This is a massive undertaking, and to add to the fun he’s up against other riders shooting for the same records this year, including an American with a catchy nickname. Read about it all here..

Linking beautifully again to records and champions this story of thieves who broke into Specialized’s HQ, took two one-off bikes and then tried to flog them to a bike shop in the same area for a fraction of their value. They were caught by police and the bikes are back where they belong.


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